1 light wrestling ethics and other researcharticles you are able draw upon should profitabil

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September 1, 2021
Mood Disorders and Life Stages
September 1, 2021

1 light wrestling ethics and other researcharticles you are able draw upon should profitabil


In light of “Wrestling With Ethics” and other research/articles that you are able to draw upon, should profitability drive social responsibility? Be sure to support your discussion question responses with evidence from the readings and/or additional references.


Should there be greater government regulation with respect to selling to vulnerable consumers? Be sure to support your discussion question responses with evidence from the readings and/or additional references.


3- With respect to the articles assigned and any other articles/research that you are able to draw upon, do marketers have an obligation to avoid marketing to vulnerable consumers as defined by Craig Smith and Cooper-Martin in “Ethics and Target Marketing: the Role of Product Harm and Consumer Vulnerability”? How should businesses handle those deemed to be vulnerable?



4- Do you agree that cohort segmentation is effective in developing communications for various consumer groups? Explain why or why not.


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