Quantitative Research Article From A Peer-Reviewed Journal
July 19, 2021
Discussion Summary 2 – GradSchoolPapers.com
July 19, 2021

12 Page Paper (Pro. Dan)

I need someone to write a 12 page paper (not including title or reference page) APA style. The paper will provide a background of elderly exploitation.
You will include in your assessment the psychological challenges faced by the older adult as well as the effects on family and social networks.
Another element to be presented are what programs or therapies have been found helpful in addressing the issue. 

Your conclusion should also indicate what additional research may be needed to provide a clearer picture of how to handle the selected aging topic. 


Biggs, S. and Goergen, T. (2010). Theoretical development in Elder Abuse and neglect. Ageing. International, 35(3), 167-170.

Burnight, K., and L. Mosqueda. (2011). Theoretical Model Development in Elder Mistreatment. The National Institute of Justice. https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/234488.pdf.

Deane, Stephen. (2018). Elder Financial Exploitation: Why it is a concern, what regulators are doing about it, and looking ahead. Retrieved from: https://www.sec.gov/files/elder- financial-exploitation.pdf.

DeLiema, M. (2018). Elder fraud and financial exploitation: Application of routine activity theory. The Gerontologist, 58(4), 706-718.

Goergen, T., and Beaulieu, M. (2013). Critical concepts in elder abuse research. International Psychogeriatrics, 25(8), 1217-1228.

Laumann, E. O., Leitsch, S. A., & Waite, L. J. (2008). Elder mistreatment in the United States: prevalence estimates from a nationally representative study. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 63(4), S248–S254. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/63.4.s248.

Mathew, A. (2017). “Theoretical Perspectives on Elder Abuse: A Framework Analysis for Abused Elderly in Kerala.” IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 22(9), 29-33.

Momtaz, Y.A., Hamid, T.A., & Ibrahim, R. (2013).  Theories and measures of elder abuse. Psychogeriatrics,13(3), 182-188.

Moore, S. (2019), “Sharpening Occam’s razor: developing theory to explain the persistent abuse of older people living in care homes”, Working with Older People, 24(1), 49-60. https://doi.org/10.1108/WWOP-10-2019-0028.

Price, T., King, P. S., Dillard, R. L., & Bulot, J. J. (2011). Elder financial exploitation: implications for future policy and research in elder mistreatment. The western journal of emergency medicine, 12(3), 354–356.

Wright, J.L. (2010). Guardianship for Your Own Good: Improving the Well-Being of
Respondents and Wards in the USA. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 33(5), 350–368. 

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