How did the federal governments post Civil War policies in the West affect Native Americans
April 7, 2021
writing a memorandum about whether the proposed advertising campaign is ethical
April 7, 2021

2-3 pages work

Answer these questions in 2-3 pages:1. What is your definition of POM? Include a brief

discussion of how POM related to your work.

2. What are the similarities and differences in the transformation process between

manufacturing and service operations?

3. Think about the operations function at your company or the one that you are familiar with.

What activities are involved in the operation function? Discuss five main issues and future

trends in operation field.

4. Read the eight principles of doing business in case problem “Value-Added Operations at

Lands’ End” (attached to this web page). If you had to write “principle” number “nine”; and

“ten” what would it be.

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