The below is the instructions on how to do the term paper and would like to get the first 2 pages as an outline
Each student (individually or by approved teams) will complete a research paper for the course, applying framework of global marketing analysis. The paper is due by Session 26 in two copies (the hard one will be returned with the notes and the e-mailed one to keep). Early papers are welcome. The subject of the paper is focused on the corporate marketing operations worldwide that are of interest to the student/team. The typical format of an introduction (problem identification/objective of the paper), body (each chapter/subchapter with a heading), and conclusion (problem solution as a set of recommendations) is required, along with a standard cover page, table of contents, citations, and bibliography. Usually, first chapter provides a global competitive analysis of the industry (use ‘5 forces’ framework by Michael Porter here) while the second chapter is dedicated to evaluation and development of more topic-specific marketing strategies (2-4 marketing Ps: product, price, place, or promotion).
The individual paper should be of a maximum (21-22) double-spaced typewritten pages (excluding cover sheet, exhibits, bibliography, and appendices) in length. The number of participants determines actual team paper’s length. Papers will be graded based upon content, quality, and pride of authorship. The grading criteria includes: 1) Paper appearance (title page, table of contents, tables/graphs/charts/graphics, foot-notes, reference list, appendices, etc.); 2) Problem-solution consistency (introduction clearly states the research objective, logical flow of the text, conclusion contains set of meaningful recommendations); 3) Content originality in each chapter; 4) Project uniqueness (topic formulation, methods of analysis, ways of data collection, caliber of recommendations, personal vision, material presentation techniques); 5) Research practicability (can be recommended for use in an industry).
Instructor may post the best papers on the course site. Samples of some good papers from previous semesters are currently available on the course site.
All topics should be selected and submitted for review to the instructor by no later than by Session 5. Each paper proposal should bear the name(s) of the student(s), briefly describe the topic/structure (similar to a table of contents), and include a list of books, articles, web sites, and other current materials (such as industry trade association or other documents) that will be used for the research. This proposal – from one to three pages – must reflect library and the WWW research. You must use at least 13 sources! Please rely on the LRC resources as more adequate for this assignment and, if necessary, consult with a reference librarian for help in locating particular sources. A personal interview with someone who currently works in the company on a managerial or professional level is extremely helpful and highly encouraged. Please incorporate critical analysis, personal vision and short surveys. No glorification and common places allowed!
The student/team is encouraged to select a company in a global industry where author has a personal interest, and where there is published information available to undertake a professionally substantial global marketing analysis. You may write about the worldwide marketing activities of a company, or about its work in one part of the world, or in one major foreign country, or both – its international marketing effort with one major product in one region/country. Some examples are as follows: (1) Marketing Strategies of in Europe; (2) Marketing Operations of VW Corporation in America; (3) Marketing Campaigns of Toyota Corporation in Brazil (Titles should reflect your own material and not copy the examples!!!). The most advisable innovative topics might include: global event promotion (sports, shows, plays, concerts, etc.), marketing of e-banking and stock-trading services, global on-line advertising, global music/film/software distribution and marketing, global drug/jobs/military advertising, cable network advertising strategies, on-line education/books/papers/magazine ads, wireless telecom marketing.
Please mainly concentrate on two of the four following company’s functions: marketing research, distribution channels, promotion/ads and pricing. Do not include company history and other secondary issues in the text; fully cover your central marketing topic matching the purpose of the paper in a problem-solution way. Innovative suggestions and analytical approaches are highly encouraged for instructor’s perusal. Routine, descriptive, overused, and very broad topics must be avoided. Instructor’s advice is always available in person or via the e-mail.
Students are recommended to do some reading in popular periodicals that deal with the global marketing matters. These include:
Advertising Age International Business
Business America International Management
Business Asia Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
Business China Journal of East-West Business
Business Eastern Europe Journal of Euro marketing
Business Europe Journal of International Business
Business International Journal of International Marketing
Business Latin America Journal of Global Marketing
The Economist Journal of International Consumer Marketing
Europe Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
Forbes Journal of Retailing
Fortune Trade and Culture
Harvard Business Review The Wall Street Journal (WSJ Interactive Edition)
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