a substantive comment on the topic of Hyperlipidemia

Controlling extraneous variables
February 1, 2021
Comment1 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented a non-reimbursement policy for certain never events(serious hospital acquired conditions) to encourage hospitals to fast track improvements of patient’s safety by applying standardized protocols
February 1, 2021

a substantive comment on the topic of Hyperlipidemia

Please respond to one classmate with a substantive comment on the topic of Hyperlipidemia. I have attach a copy of the discussion article and you may use reference if they apply.

The article I read about talks about the essentials of cholesterol in the body, but how

excess cholesterol can truly hurt and affect the body in the long run. Luckily, there are

medications and treatments can take to reduce the effects of hyperlipidemia. The body uses

essential cholesterol to produce hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids to help digest fat. A small

amount is required to perform these necessary functions, whereas excess cholesterol in the blood

stream may lead to atherosclerosis which can result in angina and myocardial infarction (Henley,

Chang, & Hollander 2017). Hyperlipidemia is defined as the elevation of cholesterol,

phospholipids, and triglycerides. The relationship between elevated cholesterol and the

development of coronary heart disease (CHD) is evident. Clinical evidence suggests that the risk

for CHD-related events can be reduced by lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (Henley,

Chang, & Hollander 2017). Many options are available for the treatment of hyperlipidemia One

drug that can be taken is Ezetimibe. Ezetimibe impairs the body’s ability to absorb cholesterol

from food as well as cholesterol that the body produces internally. It lowers LDL-C levels and

has relatively few side effects. It is usually prescribed in combination with a statin. When used in

combination with a statin after an acute coronary syndrome (eg, heart attack), ezetimibe provides

a small additional reduction in the risk of having another cardiovascular event (Henley, Chang,

& Hollander 2017). Another way someone can help lessen the effects of hyperlipidemia is by

eating plant stanols and sterols. Plant stanols and sterols may act by blocking the absorption of

cholesterol in the intestine. They are naturally found in some fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils,

nuts, seeds, and legumes. They are also available in commercially prepared products such as

margarine (Promise Active and Benecol), orange juice (Minute Maid Premium Heart Wise), rice

milk (Rice Dream Heart Wise), as well as dietary supplements (Benecol SoftGels and Cholest-

Off). (Henley, Chang, & Hollander 2017)

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