Action Research project Business management homework help

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Action Research project Business management homework help




1. The purpose of this assignment is to identify key stakeholders within your organization who are affected by, have influence over, or have an interest in solving the problem you are attempting to address with your action research project.

Stakeholder analysis requires you to examine a number of variables in relation to each individual or group you have identified. Use the “Stakeholder Analysis” spreadsheet to record the results of the stakeholder analysis.

In the analysis, list titles and groups of stakeholders. Do not list names of specific individuals. It is important to note the role each stakeholder has in the problem and solving it. Determine whether or not the individual or group has a negative, indifferent, positive, or very positive predisposition about the problem.

Within the “Stakeholder Analysis” spreadsheet is a tab labeled “Current-State Matrix.” Study the terminology related to influence and support and think about how each block describes the feelings a stakeholder may have about the problem and proposed solution. For example, there may be a group or individual that has a high degree of support in regard to solving the problem. If you know that person or group also has a high level of influence in how the problem is solved, it is important to think about how you will approach this person or group in terms of seeking information and presenting potential solutions. Taking time to rank the level of influence and support for each stakeholder is critical as you proceed because it may have a large role in determining whether or not specific problem solutions can be and are implemented.

Take the time necessary to conduct research that will help you determine possible stakeholder reactions and issues related to potential solutions. Think about the motivation, drivers, and expectations of exchange for each stakeholder, the problem, and the proposed solutions. Finally, consider the role of the stakeholder, including when the stakeholder needs to be involved in the change effort, any stakeholder management activities, and stakeholder deliverables and timelines. If a stakeholder will ultimately end up having a designated role in implementing the solution, the ability to articulate the role, scope, and timeframe will be of utmost importance.

Complete the “Stakeholder Analysis” spreadsheet and submit it to your instructor along with a 500-word summary of your findings. In the summary, discuss the following.

  1. Summarize stakeholder attitudes about the identified problem and support your summary with specific data from your collection tool.
  2. Summarize stakeholder attitudes or experiences related to previously implemented problem solutions and support your summary with specific data from your collection tool.
  3. Summarize stakeholder ideas for potential solutions and support your summary with specific data from your collection tool.
  4. Who are the stakeholders you will seek to act as sponsors to support you in the implementation of a problem solution? Provide specific reasons why these stakeholders are key to implementing a solution.
  5. Who are the stakeholders that will likely be directly affected by solving the problem? Provide specific ways these stakeholders could be directly affected by solving the problem.
  6. Who are the stakeholders who could pose potential roadblocks to solving the problem? Provide specific reasons why these stakeholders could pose potential roadblocks and what those roadblocks could be.

2. The purpose of this assignment is to review the root causes of the problem and all of the previously tried and new solutions you researched to address the problem. From that information, potential solutions should be ranked based upon how well they meet the needs of the business and address the identified problem. Once this process is completed, the best solution for solving the problem within your organization can be selected.

Complete the “Problem Solutions Matrix” spreadsheet using data and information you collected through research and completion of the Stakeholder Analysis in Topics 2 and 3. Select the top three solutions for addressing the problem within your organization. Be sure to consider the “Solutions Score” column number when selecting the top three solutions. Additionally, you must also consider the timeline for implementation, costs and benefits to key stakeholders and the greater good, potential roadblocks to implementation, and how you will measure and validate whether or not a solution is successful in addressing the problem. All of this must be considered prior to selecting your final solution.


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