Adolescent Risk Behaviors –

Neurological disorders in old age –
July 15, 2021
in order to get newspapers to subscribe to his weekly polls, George Gallup promised he would predict the winner of the 1936 presidential election.
July 15, 2021

Adolescent Risk Behaviors –

Adolescent Risk Behaviors
Order Description
Using your course and text readings, then perform research on the following:
1- Assessment and screening tools to evaluate adolescents for high-risk behaviors
2-Assessing and determining the presence of self-perception issues in the adolescent population
3- Evaluation of stress and coping mechanisms among the adolescent population
After completing your research, choose a tool of interest to you (such as CRAFFT) that evaluates risk behavior in an adolescent., find at least three peer-reviewed scholarly articles and one text
reference on the tool and address the following questions:
1-Describe the evaluation tool and explain why this tool is essential in the care of the adolescent patient population.
2-Apply the findings of the scholarly research articles to the use of this evaluation tool and describe its validity and reliability.
3- Apply this evaluation tool to a patient situation and summarize your opinion of the results.
4- Describe a plan of care for the patient, depending upon the results.

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