Discussion and Analysis Sheet
May 22, 2021
Compare and contrast colonial and american slavery
May 22, 2021


Hi, I have a paper is due in 3 days is based on Modern American History Class. The paper should be 900-1100 words (3 to 4 pages) long; Double spaced. Times New Roman Font 12 pt.

Topic Prompt: (Based on Chap 27; video and the whole chapter) How did the Civil Rights movement evolve over time? Identify and explain the different ways in which leaders and participants fought for civil rights.

“Please do not use outside online sources or texts!” I will provide you with a link to the e-book so you will be able to read the chapter.

A successful essay will include:

  1. A discussion of the origins of the civil rights movement, ideas that influenced the movement (e.g. Christianity; Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence) and strategies used by participants (supreme court cases; sit ins; marches; direct action.0
  2. A discussion of differences among organizational leaders and participants. (e.g. role of women; emergence of black power ideology; emergence of self-defense ideology).
  3. The essay should include references to major Supreme Court and Civil Rights Acts; Names of key figures/leaders.

In the attachment you will find more information about the paper please take a look on it.

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