an analytical response in which you discuss the effect of a piece s quot form quot on your reception of it

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an analytical response in which you discuss the effect of a piece s quot form quot on your reception of it

Read: Diane Arieff’s “God: User Reviews” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Randon Billings Noble’s “The Heart as a Torn Muscle” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Write: an analytical response in which you discuss the effect of a piece’s “form” on your reception of it. By form I mean the shape and structure of a piece that attempts to mimic the shape and structure (and perhaps even language) of another, innocuous text. Use the above texts as examples for the effect form has on reading and, in doing so, attempt to explain in your own words why an author might use form. This response should be at least 200 words.

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