Analysis of the CAFR and CCR reports writing homework help

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March 10, 2023
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March 10, 2023

Analysis of the CAFR and CCR reports writing homework help

1. Analysis of the CAFR and CCR reports

Prepare an executive summary paper on the CAFR and CCR to include the following:

a. A brief introduction / review of your chosen CAFR entity.

b. For both the CAFR and CCR reports, discuss the focus of each report, what each document is trying to impart on its users, a brief review of the main sections of each (what is NOT expected is a fund-by-fund accounting of figures, performance, balances, etc), and who is the audience being addressed.

c. Discuss your thoughts on “why two reports?”

 Your deliverable is to be three or more (~1,000 to 1,800 words), single-spaced, double spacing between paragraphs, one inch margins and a font size of 10 – 12 points. Use headings related to topics in our class, and include a cover page and works cited section. In-text citations must be included and done per APA standards. 

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