answer some question 1

ethics paper 20
April 14, 2021
Discuss the pros and cons associated with privatization and contracting out of public services
April 14, 2021

answer some question 1

1. What was Fuseli’s father’s name and occupation?What sort of people were frequently in their home?What sort of environmental influences did this create for Fuseli as he was growing up?

2. What was Fuseli’s very first career before he later became an artist?Which family member may have pressured him to pursue this path?How long did he engage in this career?Why did Fuseli leave Switzerland?

3. During his travels, what important figure from Britain did Fuseli meet who strongly encouraged him to become an artist?Why would this person’s opinion have been especially important to anyone considering art as a career choice?

4. How did Fuseli train himself to become an artist?What country did he go to?What artists and art works did he study?Which Renaissance artist’s works had the most impact on Fuseli?

5. The woman depicted in The Nightmare haunted Fuseli’s dreams.Who was she?What was her name?How did he meet her?What was Fuseli’s relationship with/connection to her?

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