Answer the fallowing two case studies, each case needs to be at least 1-2 pages long. So a total of 2-4 pages.

Briefly describe at least one (1) episode of a television show in which you observed aggression or violence.Reflect on two to three (2-3) TV shows in which characters demonstrate aggression or violence. 
May 25, 2021
Define discharge planning; is the discharge for this scenario simple or complex?
May 25, 2021

Answer the fallowing two case studies, each case needs to be at least 1-2 pages long. So a total of 2-4 pages.

Case 1

-You and your spouse are unable to have children. However, you greatly desire to have children of your own. Which of the options described in chapter six of our text would you select in order to have a child of your own?

Please be specific and use terms from the text in your answer. Please feel free to complete some research from outside sources for this case. There are many good web sites that our topic. You can use key words from the reading this session or sites on philosophy. Refer back to the website that we looked at in session one. You can search this site for many current issues in ethics.

Case 2

-Please describe the ethical considerations for the following case study and provide an ethical rationale for how you would act in this case.

For this case study, you are a member of an ethics committee that must decide if a given treatment for a patient is ethical or not. As you consider the given case, be sure to discuss the ethical considerations and values involved in it. Please be sure to use terms from the text to support your answer. Here is your case:

John was terminally ill with incurable cancer that was spreading throughout his abdominal region. His body was wasting away, and for much of the time, he was racked by pain that could not be adequately alleviated by an painkilling drugs. As he suffered through his last dying days, he made it clear that he did not desire to live any longer in this terrible condition. John wanted his doctors to “put him out of his misery” by administering a lethal injection of morphine that would quickly and quietly end his suffering by ending his life.

The doctors have come to the ethics committee with John’s request. You have to decide quickly or the decision will be moot. What course of action would you recommend? Please support your answer thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Complete some research from outside sources for this case. There are many good web sites that address our topic. You can use key words from the reading this week or search for sites on philosophy.

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