arguments by analogy presented discussion English homework help

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arguments by analogy presented discussion English homework help

1.respond to evaluate and discuss two (2) arguments by analogy presented in question number 3 (located in exercise 7-3). Be sure to provide sufficient support for your assertions.(i will post this page)this discussion have to be at least 200 words.

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I work after school at an elementary school and I’m in charge of checking kids into an after school program if their parents can’t pick them up. I’m then in charge of them for the next three hours as parents stop by and pick up their kids. It’s basically SafeKey, but this school calls it After Care. I usually get the same kids every day, but once and a while a new kid will stay with me because their parent got stuck in traffic or something. Yesterday, as I was signing the usual kids in, a teacher brought a new kid to me and told me his mom hadn’t picked him up yet, so I signed him in and reassured him that his mom was probably stuck in traffic or couldn’t get out of work. He was very concerned because his mom usually picked him up right on time, so I comforted him and reassured him that there was nothing to worry about. About an hour later, my boss came into our classroom and asks if I have the kid. I reply yes, and she leaves and returns with his mother, who is in hysterics. She was crying and freaking out because she couldn’t find her son. Turns out, he was supposed to go to chess club right after school, which he forgot about. He was supposed to go straight to the club and then be picked up when the meeting was over. He was embarrassed, his mother was freaking out, and my boss was stressed. In hindsight, I should have checked to see if his name was on the list of club students that I have. I felt guilty because my boss had just emphasized the day before how crucial it was that the kids in clubs went to the meetings because their parents paid a high fee for them. I used my inductive reasoning to comprehend why that boy was in After Care that day. I thought, “most new kids in After Care are there because their parent is running late, therefore this boy must be in After Care because his mom is running late.” Unfortunately, my inductive argument was incorrect in this case. It’s imporant to use inductive reasoning as well as deductive reasoning in situations so that you don’t miss anything.

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I cannot really think of and inductive argument I have used this past week. I can think of a event that happened recently while I was walking my dog Mary Jane. Mind you she does not like other dogs because of where she came from, but is extremely friendly to humans. Her behavior is not because she is aggressive dog, its because she is extremely anxious around other animals. She channels all that energy into a weird bark/growl, but its way more bark than bite! While was I was walking her somebody witnessed that she was barking and pulling toward another dog. The person immediately asked me if she is pit bull, which I replied yes and border collie. Then, they immediately backed away from her in fear and concluded that she was an aggressive animal because of her breed. The premise of their argument was that because Pit bulls are a “bully breed” that all pit bulls are aggressive. dogs. From that the person then concluded that because my dog is part pit bull she must be an aggressive animal. This argument is inductive because the conclusion is only likely. It is likely any dog could be aggressive, and a dog should not be judged based on what breed they are.

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