Assembly Line Layout Options and Alternatives management homework help

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March 13, 2023
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March 13, 2023

Assembly Line Layout Options and Alternatives management homework help

Product characteristics and production needs influence the type of production processes that are optimal for assembly. Jacobs and Chase provide a product-process chart in Exhibit 7.2 of the course text (attached). The figure shows five production layout options: (Project, Work-center, Manufacturing Cell, Assembly Line, & Continuous Process. Jacobs and Chase depict the layout option as a choice made at the convergence of two criteria: Product volume and product standardization. The concepts displayed in Exhibit 7.2 are crucial to ensuring the manufacturing process is properly aligned to production needs.

Using the product-process matrix provided in Exhibit 7.2, respond to the following:

  • Describe how product standardization, or lack thereof, impacts layout suitability. Would it be cost effective to invest capital in an assembly line for products that have very little standardization?
  • Explain why high volume production is better suited to assembly line, as opposed to workcenter, layouts. Is there a labor component to this layout?
  • Why may the five production layout strategies overlap? Could an organization use more than one layout in a manufacturing facility?
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