Attorney General law homework help

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Attorney General law homework help

Go to the American Law Institute’s Website, located at…, and review one (1) topic from the section titled, “Restatement of the Law Third, Agency”. Be prepared to discuss.

From the e-Activity, determine the primary manner in which an Attorney General at both the state and federal level would use the “Restatement of the Law Third, Agency”. Describe the potential impact of the Attorney General’s issued opinions in creating legal precedents. Justify your response.

Compare and contrast the main intentions behind the designs of the Bluebook Uniform System of Citation and the Association of Legal Writing Directors (AWLD). Discuss the value of each. Provide a rationale for your response.


A formal Attorney General Opinion answers legal questions of a public nature that relate to a public official’s duties. In other words, an Attorney General’s Opinion helps to interpret laws and guide state and local officials in applying the laws. A formal Attorney General Opinion is similar to a legal precedent and stands until a court or later opinion overrules it or new legislation is enacted to change the statute in question. Opinions are not binding on a court, but are usually given careful consideration and respect.

The Bluebook and ALWD are designed to provide rules on how to cite legal authorities. Bouchoux compares the Bluebook and ALWD to dictionaries and style guides. On the one, consulting a dictionary may mean proofreading what one has written. Proofreading ensures that the spelling, punctuation, abbreviation, acronym, and others are properly followed. For instance, should a legal researcher abbreviate “United States or the name of any state in a case name? Should paralegal omit the second “business signal” if the case name already contains one business signal? Should a legal researcher omit prepositional phrases of location? On the other, consulting a style guide may mean ensuring that the citation or referencing is properly cited. By and large, paralegals consult citation manuals to ensure that references to legal authorities are in proper form.

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