Basic Statistics make a project statistics homework help

January 12, 2021

Basic Statistics make a project statistics homework help

The data in Used Cars represent characteristics of cars that are currently part of an inventory of a used car dealership. The variables included are car, year, age, price ($), mileage, power(hp), fuel (mph), Region of origin (manufactured in USA or in a foreign country), and single ownership (Yes= owned by one or No= owned by more than one owner). The excel file for this problem is uploaded.

want to describe each of these variables, and you would like to predict the price of the used cars. Make sure to take appropriate steps to analyze this data set and write a mini report for the Car Dealer. Also, do you think that the model is missing some important variables? If so, what are those missing variables? Please explain.

should include: descriptive words; T-test, F-test; analysis of variance; chi-square and nonparametric test; regression. (those i had learned)

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