Ecommerce Venture business and finance homework help
March 8, 2023
technology entrepreneurship business and finance homework help
March 8, 2023

business and finance 55

The Case study report length will be 4 – 7 pages (1,200 words). It must be APA formatted and cite at least 3 references in support of your analysis of the case study. CASE PROBLEM: You are the CEO of SH Confectioners and have requested your marketing department to devise a marketing plan for your new line of Grand Marnier filled (a potent orange flavored liquor), chocolates. The chocolate line is touted to be high-end, high-quality, gourmet confectioners chocolate with imported and premium ingredients. You are located in San Francisco, California and intend on marketing to the western market (Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Idaho and Utah); to begin by Valentines Day. What should your strategic goals be? What will you require of the marketing department’s plan to market your new product? Will you have any regional concerns with your product? Should you make a substitute available to the liquor component of the filled candies? Explain your decision.

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