Business Concept management homework help

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March 11, 2023
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March 11, 2023

Business Concept management homework help

Must use homework template to complete this assignment.

Detail :
  • Write a paper of approximately 750 words that addresses the following topics:
    • Apply one of the creative processes to explore a business concept of interest to you.
    • Identify the technique you used to explore your ideas.
    • Discuss your business idea by answering the following questions:
      • What is the origin and context of your idea?
      • Why do you feel this is a good idea?
    • Analyze your business concept and answer the following questions:
      • What are the potential challenges you might face?
      • How could you plan to address those challenges, if they do arise?
  • Include 2–4 sources, which may consist of readings from the University Library, your text, or other selections.
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