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LA 1
Part 1
Upon completing the leadership style assessment it was determined that my leadership style is evenly split between Transformational,Participative and Laisses faire. In order for me to succeed in the 21st Century as a leader, i will need to develop in depth emotional intelligence, to have more self awareness, self regulating, motivation, empathy and social skill. My assessment tells me I am half way there, but more focus and development on those skills would help. Along with development of those skills , knowing when to use those leadership styles to achieve effective results with my team. While participative and Transformational leadership has its pros, it also has its cons. I will need to become more Global and culturally focus, as the business environment expands globally to prepare as a 21st century leader.
Part 2
Currently my style works best in a group consensus and participative team environment. By including the team, in decision making the team builds trust with one another and willingness to share ideas. however the down fall is that sometimes the decision making process can be slowed if waiting for all members to provide feedback. In some cases a decision is needed quickly and that is when a leader needs to lead. My assessment shows that my style tends to lean towards team involvement, however if the situation arises where a quick decision needs to be made then i will adapt quickly to a new leadership style.
The manager plays a major role in making sure that a company successfully achieves its goals. Therefore, when hiring the new manager, I would look to ensure that the selected candidate had a situational leadership style that possesses each of the following important traits. First, the manager should have the leadership skills necessary to create human capital. It is important that the employees in the organization work together to achieve the company’s goals. Therefore, the manager should be a transformational leader with a charismatic personality who can encourage people to work in teams to achieve the goals and objectives of the company. Charisma will enable them to inspire and motivate other people to work together (Bolden&Gosling, 2006). Additionally, there are already two leaders in the organization, and it will be important for them to get along with the new manager. Therefore, the person who is picked for the position must have some participative leadership skills so that it can be easier for them to share the decision-making role with the other managers. The new manager must also be a person with high values and moral standards to ensure that they can always be ethical in every situation.
Bolden, R., & Gosling, J. (2006). Leadership competencies: time to change the tune?. Leadership, 2(2), 147-163.
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