business homework 11

Ethical Considerations
January 18, 2021
vii draft 3 only prof frank
January 18, 2021

business homework 11

npleasant and made you feel uncomfortable. In comparing the two experiences, answer the following questions. In reflecting on the positive experience, what one thing about the experience made you feel good about it? Why? In reflecting on the unpleasant experience, what one thing about the experience made you feel uncomfortable about it? Why? Consider what you do for work on a day-to-day basis. Given what you do, do you consider yourself to be some form or fashion of a salesperson? Why? Why not?

Include APA style in-text citations as well as a reference section.

Research papers should be typed in Word. Use 1-inch margins with 12-point type and double spacing. Proper spelling, grammar, clarity, and APA style for a business report will be considered in addition to concepts as part of the final grade. Use subheadings to separate major sections or concepts. The final paper should be between 750 and 1,500 words and three pages in length. Submit your paper as an attachment in the Dropbox. Remember, your submitted paper must be your own work with appropriate citations for your resources. Please be sure to include in-text (parenthetical) citations in APA format and a list of references for all sources.

An essay is a composition that is intended to be an analytical, interpretative, original response about the topics and examples in question. An appropriate response should fully answer all questions and develop the topic. It should be organized, have a purpose, and contain examples to support the purpose. There should be a clear introduct

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