c programming is hard can anyone help

Sociology of develop countries
April 8, 2021
project management 161
April 8, 2021

c programming is hard can anyone help

Below are the instructions. Not sure how to even start this. Please help.

Problem Statement

The simple interest on a loan is calculated by the formula

interest = principal * rate * term / 365;

The preceding formula assumes that rate is the annual interest rate, and therefore includes the division by 365 (days).

Develop a program that will input principal, rate and days for several loans, and will calculate and display the simple interest for each loan, using the preceding formula.

Use the below program template to complete each step. The program is created by completing all steps hence, do not skip any steps.

Programming Shell Template


  • Using the Xendesktop, open Visual Studio 2015. Create a new project and add a new .cpp file to the project. Type the programming shell template as stated up above and continue with the following steps below. Be sure to include comments throughout your program for readability purposes.
  • (Housekeeping): Declare the following variables in your program using appropriate data type. When selecting a data type keep in mind the type of value you want to store, i.e., int, float, character. Also, be sure to use conventional naming standards for all variable declarations.
  • principal
  • rate
  • term
  • interest
  • (Output): Add a prompt to guide the user to input loan principal as a dollar amount. Take notice of the value restriction at the end of this output statement.

  • (Input): Add a scanf() statement to store user input for loan principal value.
  • (Control Structure): Add a looping statement that will keep on calculating interest charges until the user enters the value -1 as the principal value to end the process.
  • (Output): Add a prompt to guide the user to input interest rate as a decimal value.

  • (Input): Add a scanf() statement to store user input for rate value.
  • (Output): Add a prompt to guide the user to input length of the loan in days (term).

  • (Input): Add a scanf() statement to store user input for the number of days (term).
  • (Assignment Statement): Use the following equation for interest charge calculation.

interest = principal * rate * term / 365;

  • End looping structure and then create a prompt and input statement to ask the user for the next loan principal value.
  • Be sure to include comments throughout your program for readability purposes.

(Output Screen) After you compile your program successfully using Debug > Start without Debugging your output screen should look similar after entering in the values and using the value of -1 to end the program

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