describe whether aging individuals today are equipped to cope with the challenging environment.
October 8, 2021
Describe the method and procedures used for investigating peak performance or the psychological skills training program mentioned in the journal article.
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Career Development Program


Career Development Program

Create a 5-10 minute elevator pitch video of a career counseling program, using the system in Canvas.  Use the “video” function of the discussion post.  In the video, go through the steps listed in your book.  Be sure to include the following information: population, need for the program in your population, at least three (3) measurable outcomes for the program, how you will deliver the program and why, one to two examples of a method you will use to meet an objective, name several costs of running the program, be sure to include the value to your audience, and how you will evaluate your program and when.  Use 2-3 resources and list them in the discussion post.

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