Career Exploration Assignment- 15 points
The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in exploring possible careers. For some this will be the first step in this process; others may already have an idea of what direction you would like to go. Conducting career exploration helps relieve some of the stress we may face when making important life choices. Choosing an initial goal can motivate you to complete both your educational and personal goals. Below are instructions for completing this assignment and rubric for grading.
Assignment: Conduct a self-assessment of your interests. Write a reflection on your findings and upload to Blackboard.
1. Take the O*Net Interest Profiler
a. Go to
b. Read the instructions, click “Next” in bottom right corner
c. Answer the questions
d. View your results. Click on your top 3 interests (Realist, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional) to learn more about that area.
e. Review Job Zones. Select “Job Zone Four”.
f. Review Careers. You will be provided a list of job titles to review. Click on at least 3 titles you have not considered to learn the qualifications the jobs require.
2. Write a reflection on your findings. Include the prompts below in your reflection.
a. Define, in your own words, your top 3 interest areas (Realist, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional)?
b. Do you agree/disagree with these? Why?
c. Pick one of the job titles you are interested in.
i. What are some of the knowledge, skill and ability areas required for this career?
ii. What type of personality and level of technology is best suited for this career?
iii. What education is required for this position?
iv. What is the job outlook?
Grading Rubric
2 points- defining, in your own words, each interest area (2 points/interest area x 3 interests = 6 pts)
3 points- agreeing or disagreeing with each of your 3 interest areas, and explain why
1 points- knowledge, skills, and abilities required
1 points- personality and level of technology required
1 points- education required
1 points- job outlook
2 points- spelling and grammar
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