Cars that drive themselves writing homework help

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March 19, 2023

Cars that drive themselves writing homework help

Cars that drive themselves.

Study progress, safety, and social issues related to an automated system such as automated highways and self-driving vehicles.

Article Reviews:
Important: the articles must be current (not over two years old). Note: this is not a research paper, where you have a topic and find sources to back up your work; instead, you must find an article on a topic you are interested and review the article itself. Careful with plagiarism
This is on Ethics in Information Technology.

A one and a half-to-two page (and definitely, no more than 3) review of the article using APA format: double-spaced, 12 point, Arial or Times New Roman, left aligned, 1′ margins, header with name&page number (at least), etc.

1. An objective summary of the article (author’s main point/-s, ethical dilemmas, legal issues, etc.)–40%
2. Your personal input/suggestions as the concluding paragraphs–40%, and
3. The complete source of the article (in APA style)–20%

This means that, if you give me a huge summary with a brief conclusion, then you will not earn as many points as if you follow the above instructions. Both parts of the review are equally important. The source is worth 20% based on, 1) validity of source, and 2) APA format.

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