Outline and explain the concept and process of sourcing in the healthcare supply chain. Outline and explain the concept and process of sourcing in the healthcare supply chain.
February 19, 2021
Why should the middle income family pay more [through taxes or income based insurance rates] for the same healthcare service received by low/no-income families?
February 19, 2021

Case Management A1

Click the Audio icon below for a simulation that will provide you with an opportunity to listen to a hypothetical client explain his needs to his case manager. A transcript of the audio is available in the Script icon.

In this scenario, assume that you are the case manager listening carefully to the content of his narrative. Respond to the questions below as if you are his case manager. Your response will be graded, so be sure to write at least a paragraph response to each question below.

Identify the major needs that the client requires to be able to attend treatment.

Prioritize those needs: immediate, near future, future. Explain why you prioritized the needs as you did.

Reflect on some of the potential ethical problems that could arise while working with this client.

Use 211.org or some other database to find at least two different referral sources in your community that would meet the client’s needs. Explain the basic services that each of these agencies/centers provides. Add the website of the referral source to your response.

SCRIPT: https://kapextmediassl-a.akamaihd.net/artsSCi/PS45…

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