Case Management Hypothetical client psychology homework help

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March 9, 2023
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March 9, 2023

Case Management Hypothetical client psychology homework help

Case Management-With hypothetical client…Must be original work with no plagiarism!!!!Please make sure and follow the grading rubric and answer each question to its entirety. Assessment tool is attached and so is my e-textbook with reference.This paper must have in-text citations and sources that I can look up online.

For this Assignment, visit the SAMHSA-HRSA site below. Choose one of the many assessment tools from the site. (Attached)

Source: Screen Tools: SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions. Retrieved from

Once you have selected an assessment tool, complete the following activity. (Attached)

Professionals in many types of clinical settings use the SBIRT to assess clients’ risk for alcoholism. Using one of the SBIRT variations from the site, create a hypothetical client. Write the questions (or copy and paste the assessment with answers into the paper)(of your chosen SBIRT form) and add the client’s responses (You are making up the responses with the hypothetical client). Next, write a 1500-word analysis explaining the client’s risk for addiction. Assess the client’s risky behaviors and propose at least four community referrals (from your local area-California) 2 local community referrals for prevention services and 2 mental health referrals such as anger management and treatment.

Follow this format for preparing your essay.

1.Short summary of client (e.g., demographic information) including the presenting problem and potential case management issues.

2.Copy of one of the SBIRT forms with client’s responses

3.1500-word analysis of the responses from the assessment

4.Four referrals from your local community that match the information in the assessment (2 local community and 2 mental health referrals) with one assessment for addictions/prevention and a mental health (or something related- anger management). Make the referrals appropriate to each of the client’s needs (e.g., financial assistance, child care, transportation, and addictions treatment).

*****2 local community referrals for prevention services and 2 mental health referrals such as anger management and treatment*****

Unit 5 Assignment

Grading Criteria


Includes a short summary of the client’s background’s demographic information and presenting problem.

Contains no misunderstanding

Completed copy of the client’s responses on one of the SBIRT forms. (Form attached)

Analysis of the client’s responses on the SBIRT including recommendations for further screening or treatment. Provide an explanation of the case management needs according to the level of possible use.

Four appropriate community referrals including names, addresses, and websites. Referrals should match the identified needs of the client (e.g. if alcohol use requires treatment, referral for treatment should be made).*****2 local community referrals for prevention services and 2 mental health referrals such as anger management and treatment*****My local area is California…


Paper includes a title page, introduction with thesis statement, conclusion, and in-text citations and reference page using APA style.

Paper is appropriate in length (body of the paper should be 1500 words, not including the title page or reference page).

Paper includes reference to the textbook (Attached with reference) and at least 3 other academic sources.These sources I should be able to access online and not pay for.


Paper uses Standard American English including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs.

Paper is free of typographical errors.

Paper includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.

Paper demonstrates superior organization; communication is highly ordered, logical and unified.

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