January 12, 2021

case manager pros and cons

write a paper on what you perceive as the pros and cons of being a case manager professional in the human service field

  1. Identify at least three arguments for each side, pro and con. You must use at least three scholarly references not included in this course.
  2. Respond to the following questions:
  • If you were to become a case manager after completing your degree, with which population would you most desire to work? Explain your reasoning. (I chose Foster & Adoption Case Manager)
  • What are the research employment opportunities for working in the field with this population? Provide a summary of the options, including the posted job responsibilities, types of organizations, and salary ranges.
  • Visit and research the job outlook for case managers in the field of your interest; provide a summary of your findings (at least 1 page).

Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length

apa format

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