Check C Code For Errors And Re Write Code In Correct Form programming homework help

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Check C Code For Errors And Re Write Code In Correct Form programming homework help

Inside the given text file (C Code Error Questions.txt) there are 3 questions. Each question has 5 different lines of code that has errors. You need to identify which lines of code the errors are on, and then re-write the code to its corrected form. Do not re-write lines that do not contain errors.


Question 1: (State the lines of code that has errors (1-35) and state re-written code in its corrected form).

Question 2: (State the lines of code that has errors (1-30) and state re-written code in its corrected form).

Question 3: (State the lines of code that has errors (1-36) and state re-written code in its corrected form).

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