Child psych assignment psychology homework help

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Child psych assignment psychology homework help

Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12. After reading The Vygotsky Revolution in teach the child a task with the zone of proximal development in mind. This can be baking a cake or making cookies, doing a puzzle, tying a shoe, learning a math problem, doing a crossword puzzle, sewing something, knitting, playing a sport, etc. In a 1-2 page paper, explain Vygotsky’s view of the effect of culture on learning. What task did you choose? What does the zone of proximal development mean? What is scaffolding and how much of it did you do with this child? How does scaffolding differ from culture to culture (This is the Barbara Rogoff study).

What is Vygotsky’s Theory

What is meant by the term scaffolding?

What task did you choose? What was the age of the child? How much assistance did you give? What was the before and after outcome of your help?

What differences did Barbara Rogoff find in the cultures she studied regarding differences in scaffolding?


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