CMSA guiding principles sociology homework help

January 12, 2021

CMSA guiding principles sociology homework help

This week’s readings from CMSA present professional standards that case managers should use to guide their work. The process of learning about one’s career and growing into a professional cultivates an understanding and valuation of the guiding principles of the profession.

Complete a slide presentation on the Guiding Principles of Case Management:

  1. Your introduction slide should describe the importance of and rationale for applying the guiding principles in the field of human service specific to case management.
  2. Each subsequent slide should be devoted to one of the 12 guiding principles (one slide per principle). Provide a description of each principle and an example of how it is applied and manifested in practice.
  3. The presentation must be 12-15 slides in length, in addition to the required title and references slides. Format your entire presentation according to the APA format
    1. Ensure that your slide presentation has appropriate and engaging images.
    2. Include 50- to 100-wordnotes in the notes section of each slide to enhance the information being presented.
    3. Remember to support your assertions and points with solid research from the field, either scholarly journals or trade publications.

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