Communicating Supportively in Nursing

Watch 2 5 minute videos and write a 3 paragraph paper about them.
March 13, 2021
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Communicating Supportively in Nursing

Communicating Supportively in Nursing

Situation: As no educator is hired to work for the unit, the new RN on her first day was to be orientated her on the unit. The manager assigned me to do the job. I have noticed that she is nervous and fidgety, and as she gathered her thoughts, she explained to me that she is overwhelmed with her duties and responsibilities associated with the new job. I quietly sit her down and let her voice out her concerns. I offered her advice. After that, there were no issues settling on her job on her first day.

Task: After completing Module 2 – Communicating Supportively and its associated readings, write a short description about a work situation in which you consider you communicated supportively with another member of staff. Critically reflect on this situation and with reference to your readings, provide five reasons why you consider your communication in this instance was supportive.

1. Please use these two references.
a. Chapter 5, Communicating Supportively, in your prescribed text: Carlopio, J. & Andrewartha, G. (2012). Developing management skills: A comprehensive guide for leaders (5th ed.). Pearson Education, Melbourne, pp. 230- 271
b. Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2012). Chapter 19, Organizational, Interpersonal, and Group Communication, in Leadership roles and management functions in nursing (7th ed.). Kluwer/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp 420-446

2. Please write the essay in 200-300 words only.

3. Refer to the Powerpoint guide in analysing and answering questions critically.




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