Compare and contrast how the benefits of imagery on the learning and performance of sport skills are explained by the psycho-neuromuscular hypothesis, symbolic learning theory, and the bio-informational models.

identify issues, process data from an applied perspective, and increase their exposure to a variety of health conditions.
January 31, 2021
Theory assists psychologists in better understanding human behavior, emotion, social skills, and overall mental health. In essence, theory helps us to better understand human psychological functioning, which embodies how a person achieves one’s goals
January 31, 2021

Compare and contrast how the benefits of imagery on the learning and performance of sport skills are explained by the psycho-neuromuscular hypothesis, symbolic learning theory, and the bio-informational models.

Part I:

Compare and contrast how the benefits of imagery on the learning and performance of sport skills are explained by the psycho-neuromuscular hypothesis, symbolic learning theory, and the bio-informational models. Provide examples from sport
and/or cite research to support your response. Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing sources.

Part II:

Imagine that you are a coach or a sport psychologist who wants to develop the imagery skills of an athlete or team with whom you are working. Using the physical, environment, task, timing, learning, emotion, and perspective (PETTLEP) model and the applied model of imagery use presented in this module, compose an imagery skills training program for the sport of your choice that follows the suggestions provided by these two models. Specify the time frame of the imagery program (preseason, during season, or combination) and provide details related to how you would implement your program.

Write your answers in a 2–3-page essay and present it in Microsoft Word document format. Name the file M3_A3_LastName_Imagery.doc and submit it




Take-Home Assignment

Due: 9/28

After watching the Documentary Triggered Too please answer the following discussion questions:

· Why do you think children are especially susceptible to trauma?

· Do you think criminal justice professionals should be trained and required to screen for trauma as a part of their job, such as responding to a domestic violence or child abuse case? Is screening for trauma an invasion of privacy?

· Do you think it should be mandated that all criminal justice professionals receive education about the effects of trauma and how to respond to trauma?

· How can the treatment of PTSD reduce offending?

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