Compose a thoughtful discussion comment of Photography of Multicultural America art design homework help

January 12, 2021

Compose a thoughtful discussion comment of Photography of Multicultural America art design homework help

compose a thoughtful discussion comment (minimum 400 words) that connects the themes in Modules 9-12 to: text, self, and world. Make certain that your discussion comment submission is formatted so that the section title is properly labeled in bold (i.e. Module to Text, Module to Self, Module to World) and is followed by your comment for that specific section.

Module-to-Text: Make a strong connection between the module contents and a book or article that you have read outside of class and bold the title of the book/article.

Module-to-Self: Make a strong connection between the module contents and something in your own life experience and bold the name of the life experience.

Module-to-World: Make a strong connection between the module contents and an event happening in the world today (i.e. current event) and bold the title of the current event.

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