Create a short response to the following paragraph formed into an argument

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Create a short response to the following paragraph formed into an argument

For the past 10,000 years, the vast majority of the people were not allowed to make political decisions about the world they lived in: no voting, no delegates, no representation. Since the development of what we call “civilization” (post hunter-gatherer society) most people have lived under absolute rulers. Kings and rulers make things very simple: you just do what they say. Only the king (or those related to or appointed by the king) have any political power.

In our modern political world, most nations of the world are not ruled by absolute monarchs. This brings to bear many questions about political enfranchisement. If not a king, who should have the power to organize society? Throughout history there have been groups who have been excluded from the political process. For example: children, women, slaves, men without property, immigrants, persons with criminal convictions, members of unpopular religions, uneducated persons, as well as who have been barred from political processes.

Would you include everyone in the political process? Would you want to see a reversal back to the age of Kings? A move forward to something else?

What’s more, is voting the core issue in a democracy? Is it possible to have the vote but still be politically disenfranchised?

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