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Ableism Reflection Essay
January 19, 2021
who can help me? Leadership Homework.
January 19, 2021

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200 words each:


(1) Learning Disabilities


Top of Form


What a better understanding now of “Learning Disabilities”, has it been, or is it now, easier to see these disabilities in others, or with yourself? Are you more critical in looking at others as opposed to yourself? Why or why not? please see attachment


(2)Technology in the Workplace

In your opinion, has the introduction of email and other information technologies increased or decreased the amount of information flowing through the corporate grapevine? Explain your answer.

(3) Conflict in Organizations

Provide 2 insights on conflict in organizations.  Is conflict in organizations good or bad? Can conflict be avoided? Should all potential issues that can lead to increased conflict be addressed immediately?  Expand your answers to show your understanding of workplace conflict.

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