Criminal Psychology psychology homework help

January 12, 2021

Criminal Psychology psychology homework help

Research on drug addiction makes it plain it is a disease. At the same time, possession of the drugs is illegal and therefore a crime. As drug addictions rise and convictions for drug use and other drug-related crimes lead to prison overcrowding, what is the solution?

Goldstein identifies three main types of drug-related crime: (1) psychopharmacologically driven crime, (2) systemic crime, and (3) economically compulsive crime.


In your main post:

  • Provide two specific examples of the behaviors of criminals that may be associated with an offender’s substance abuse.
  • Identify each example as one of the tripartite conceptual model types of drug-related crimes.
  • Explain whether the criminals in your examples should be sent to a regular court and be jailed or sent to drug court and receive treatment.
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