questions on critical thinking and ethics .. philosophy ..
1) Please, articulate Bernard Williams’s arguments on Utilitarianism and Integrity (YB, pgs.40—44; and on
b) Two Kinds of Remoter Effect?
2) Articulate Dr. Robert Bozick’s positions on “The Experience Machine” (YB, pgs.45—47?).
3) please, articulate Dr. J. L. Mackie’s arguments on
a) “The Subjectivity of Values”? (YB, pgs48—59);
b) And on the subsections—Moral Skepticism;
c) Standards of Exclusion;
d) Hypothetical and Categorical Imperatives;
e) The Claim to Objectivity;
f) The Argument from Relativity;
g) The Argument from Queerness,
H) and his conclusions?
4) Articulate C. S. Lewis’s positions on
a) “Our Sense of Right and Wrong” 🙁 YB, pgs.60—64; and on the subsections,
b) The Law of Human Nature,
C) and his conclusions?
5) Carefully articulate Dr. Emmanuel Kant’s work, the “Categorical Imperative: (YB, pgs.65 through 68,
b) And the concluding remarks?
6) Articulate the Author’s Piece on Aristotle: Virtues: (YB. Pgs.69—75?
7) Articulate Mr. Frederic Nietzsche’s Arguments on “Master Morality and Slave Morality”, be very brief, but be sure to articulate the arguments in a succinct sentences?
8) Articulate Virginia Held’s arguments
a) On Caring Relations and Principles of Justice: (YB.pags.80—86; and on the subsections—
b) The Controversy;
c) Differences among Feminists;
d) A Look at Some Cases;
e) Models of Morality?
9) please, articulate Mary Anne Warren’s arguments on
a) “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion and Postscript on Infanticide”: (YB, PGS.87—98); and on, subsections—
b) On the Definition of ‘Human’;
c) Defining the Moral Community;
d) Fetal Development and the Right to life;
e) Potential Personhood and the Right to Life;
f) Postscript on Infanticide,
G) and her conclusions?
10) Articulate the Piece/Article from Don Marquis, on “Why Abortion Is Immoral”: (YB, pgs.99— 105?
11) Please, articulate for me, Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Piece on “A Defense of Abortion”? (YB, pgs. 106—122?
12) Please, articulate Professor, Peter Singer’s arguments on “All Animals Are Equal”: (YB, Pgs.123—132?
13) Please, articulate the arguments on “Torturing Puppies and Eating Meat: It’s All in Good Taste”, by Dr. Alastair Norcross. (YB, Pgs.133— 140?
14) please, articulate Tibor R. Machan’s presentation on the topic: “Do Animals Have Rights?”(YB, pgs.141— 152), and on the subsections:
b) Why might animals Have Rights?
c) Why We May Use Animals;
d) Why Individual Have Rights?
e) Where Is There Room for Animal Rights?
f) And the Closing points?
15) Articulate and report to me what you gathered from Professor Pater Singer’s arguments on—“Famine, Affluence, and Morality” (YB, pgs. 154 through I63?
16) Please, articulate and report in a very brief literature, Stuart Rachels’ arguments on “Poverty and Parenthood”. (YB, pgs. 164—180); and on the subsections—
b) The Biggest Decisions in Life;
c) The Famine Relief argument against Having Children;
d) Connections to Inger’s Argument;
e) Five Objections?
17) Please, report your articulation of Lous P. Pojman’s arguments on “A Defense of the Death Penalty”: (YB, pgs.182— 190); and on the subsections—
b) Retribution, & Deterrence,
C) and his conclusion?
18) Please, articulate Dr. Stephen B. Bright’s positions on “Why the United States Will Join the Rest of the World in Abandoning Capital Punishment”: (YB, pgs. 191— 202); and the subsections—
b) A human Rights Violation That Undermines the Standing and Moral Authority of the United States;
c) Arbitrary and Unfair Infliction;
d) A Warning That Something Is Terribly Wrong: Innocent People Condemned to Death;
e) The Two Most Important Decisions—Made by Prosecutors;
f) The Role of Racial Bias;
g) The death Sentence for Being Assigned the Worst Lawyer,
H) and his Conclusions?
19) Articulate and briefly report your grasp of Atul Gawande’s Arguments on the topic, “Hellhole”: (YB, pags.203—220)?
20) Please, articulate the arguments of Dr. Douglas P. Lackey, on the Topic, “The Ethics of War and Peace”, (YB, pgs221—-229, and be sure to comment in your articulation on the subsections—
b) “How to Fight”?
21) Please, articulate Professor, John Rawls’s arguments on “Fifty Years after Hiroshima”: (YB, pgs. 230—-237?
B) Articulate Thomas Nagel’s arguments on “What Is Wrong with Terrorism?” (YB, pgs.238—240?).
22) Articulate David Luban’s arguments on “Liberalism, Torture, and the Ticking Bomb”. (YB.pgs.241—254); be sure to articulate,
a) The Five Aims of Torture;
b) The Ticking Bomb;
c) Torture as a Practice,
D) and his conclusions?
23) please, report your articulation of Michael Huemer’s Piece on “America’s Unjust Drug War”: (YB, pgs.255—266);
b) and comment on the following subsections—
c) Drugs and Harm to Users; Drugs and Harm to Others;
d) The Injustice of Drug Prohibition,
e) and his Conclusions?
23B) Please, articulate Bertrand Russell’s Piece on “Our Sexual Ethics”: (YB, pags.269—275)?
24) Articulate Dr. Andrew Sullivan’s Arguments on what is titled: “A Few Words about Gay Marriage”: (YB, pgs.276—277?
25) articulate the arguments on “Same-Sex Marriage and the Argument from Public Disagreement” by David Boom. (YB, pgs. 278—- 288?
26) Articulate for me, Mr. Nicholas Dixson’s positions on his work titled, “Alcohol and Rape”. (YB, pgs.289—-300 ?
And comment on the following as well:
b)Two Limiting Cases;
c) Problematic Intermediate Cases: Impaired Sex;
c) Should We Push Men For Impaired Sex?
d) and his Conclusions?
27) Please, articulate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from the Birmingham City Jail”. (YB. Pgs.301—308)?
28) Articulate Professor, Peter Singer’s positions on his Piece, titled: “Is Racial Discrimination Arbitrary”. (YB, pgs. 309—320?
29) Please, articulate James Rachels’s arguments on “In Defense of Quotas”. (YB, pgs. 321—-335)?
b) Comment on the Justification of Quotas especially,
c) and other serious points he made?
30) Articulate Linda Hirshman’s work: “Homeward Bound”. (YB, pgs.336—344.),
b) and comment on The Truth about Elite Women;
c) The Failure of Choice Feminism;
d) What Is to be Done;
c) Why Do We Care?
d) And her Conclusions?
31) Articulate “The Case for Open Immigration”, by Michael Huemer. (YB, pgs. 345— 347)?
32) Please, articulate, James Rachels’s positions on “The Morality of Euthanasia”. (YB. pgs. 348— 352); and comment on—
B) The Utilitarian Version of the Argument;
c) Doing What Is in Everyone’s Best Interests,
d) and his conclusions?
33) please, articulate “The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia” arguments by J Gay-Williams: (YB, pgs.353— 357); and comment on the following:
b)The Argument from Nature;
c) The Argument from Self-Interest;
d)The Argument from Practical Effects,
e) and His conclusions?
34) Articulate the arguments on “The New Eugenics” by Matt Ridley. (YB, pgs.358—364);
b) and comment on “A Sad Legacy;
c) No Nightmare Scenarios,
d) and his conclusions?
35) Articulate for me, John A. Robertson’s article on “Human Cloning and the Challenges of Regulation”. (YB, pgs.365— 371)?
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