Establishing Roles
a. Introduce yourselves
b. Establish roles
i. Financial Sector
ii. Law Enforcement
iii. The Intelligence Community
iv. Homeland Security
c. Assign roles listed above
d. Create schedule
e. Create plan of action
II. Assessing Suspicious Activity (All Team Members)
a. Review previous topics from project 1,2, and 3 to assess any suspicious network activity and network vulnerabilities
i. Network Security
ii. Mission Critical systems
iii. Penetration Testing
iv. Port Scan Activities
v. Network Scanning Tools Activities
vi. Analyze Wireshark Files
III. The Financial Sector
a. Description of the impact the threat has on the financial sector
i. Loss of control of systems
ii. Loss of data integrity or confidentiality
iii. Exfiltration of data
iv. Any other impacts noted
b. To be completed by all team members
i. Provide submissions from the Information Sharing Analysis Councils
ii. Review Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
1. Advise the importance of them to the financial services sector
iii. Identify the risk associated with ICS
IV. Law Enforcement
a. Complete the group Research assignment
i. Determine tools, techniques, and procedures used to exploit the database
ii. Provide the successful methods
b. To be completed by the Law Enforcement Representative
i. Determine what was learned about the methods for exploitation
ii. Provide research to justify your claim
iii. Identify the threats and vulnerabilities of the website application
1. Identify possible countermeasures
2. Include in the SAR and AAR
V. The Intelligence Community
a. To be completed by all team members
i. Provide overview of the life cycle of a cyber threat
ii. Explain different threat vectors that cyber actors use
iii. Provide a possible list of nation-state actors that have targeted US financial services industry before
iv. Review the threat response and recovery resource
v. Provide or propose an analytical method in which you detect threats, identify threats, and perform threat response and recovery
vi. Identify the stage of the cyber threat life cycle where you observe different threat behaviors
1. Provide in the SAR and AAR
b. To be completed by Intelligence Community Representative
i. Provide intelligence on the nation-state actor, their cyber tools, techniques and procedures
ii. Leverage threat reporting from FireEye, Mandiant, and other organizations that provide intelligence reports
iii. Include social engineering methods used by the nation-state actor and their reasons for attacking US critical infrastructure
1. Include in the SAR and AAR
VI. Homeland Security
a. To be completed by the Homeland Security Representative
i. Use the USCERT website and other resources that provide common vulnerability reporting
ii. Explore the resources for risk mitigation and provide the risk, response, and risk mitigation steps that should be taken for same type of attack
b. To be completed by all team members
i. Provide a risk threat matrix
ii. Provide a current state snapshot of the risk profile of the financial services sector
1. Will be a part of the overall risk assessment
2. Will be included in the SAR and AAR
3. Review and refer to the risk assessment resource to aid you in developing this section of the report.
VII. The SAR and AAR
a. To be completed by all team members
i. Compile your research
ii. SAR submitted to the white house
iii. AAR submitted to analyst community
b. SAR
i. Describe the threat
ii. The motivations of the threat actor
iii. The vulnerabilities that the threat can exploit
iv. Current & expected impact on US financial services
v. Reducing risk
vi. Actions taken to defend and prevent against this threat in the future
vii. 15 pages including tables and graphs
c. AAR
i. Includes the intelligence, law enforcement, defense/civilian, private sector and academia communities
ii. System lifecycle methodology
1. Rationale for cyber incident
2. Critical thinking to solve this cyber incident
3. 10-15 pages including tables and graphs
Project 4 Deliverables
SAR (14-15 pages)
I. Title Page
II. Abstract
I. Threat Actors (provide definition/overview)
a. Tools, Techniques, and Procedures (what is used by threats to attack)
b. Attacks (list some social engineering attacks used by threats against US)
i. Rationale (provide the reason why they would attack the US)
III. Exploitation Methods (provide definition/overview)
a. Examples of Exploitations (research to find and summarize findings)
b. Vulnerabilities of Web Application (identify vulnerabilities to the web application)
i. Threats to Web Application (identify threats to web application)
ii. Risks (identify risks created by threats exploiting vulnerabilities)
1. Identify Countermeasures (identify remediation activities)
IV. Threat Analysis and Exploitation: Ethical Hacking (Provide in depth definition of ethical hacking)
a. Tools, Techniques, and Procedures (identify TTPs of ethical hacking)
V. Risk Threat Matrix (provide definition/overview)
a. Current Security Profile (current security profile of financial sector)
i. Vulnerabilities (identify vulnerabilities in the financial sector)
ii. Threats (identify threats to the vulnerabilities in the financial sector)
VI. Recommendations (identify ways to prevent attacks in the future)
VII. Conclusion (sum up the entire SAR)
VIII. References
Executive Presentation (5-8 slides)
Summarize the SAR & AAR report
I. Title Slide
II. 5-8 slides
III. Reference Slide
AAR (10-15 pages)
II. Title Page
III. Abstract
IV. Threat Actors
a. Lessons Learned (what was learned from successful attacks by threats against the US)
V. Exploitation Methods
a. Lessons Learned (what was learned from exploitation examples in SAR)
b. Recommendations (recommend solutions to secure database)
VI. Threat Analysis and Exploitation: Ethical Hacking (Provide definition/overview)
a. Successful Methods (Identify what went well with ethical hacking)
VII. Risk Threat Matrix
a. Risk (identify risks to the financial sector)
b. Recommendations (provide recommendations to remediate risks to financial sector)
VIII. Recommendations (Provide recommendations based on lessons learned in the AAR)
IX. Conclusion (Sum up AAR)
X. References
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2012). Information security: Guide for conducting risk assessments (Special Publication 800-30). Retrieved August 5, 2016, from…
NIST SP 800-37 Revision 1
Chapter 11: A Survey on New Threats and Countermeasures on Emerging Networks by Jacques Saraydayran, Fatiha Benali, and Luc Paffumi from Intrusion Detection Systems
Using a Prediction Model to Manage Cyber Security Threats by Venkatesh Jaganathan, Priyesh Cherurveettil, and Premapriya Muthu Sivashanmugam from The Scientific World Journal
Cyber Security Awareness Month – Day 31 – Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery by Johannes B. Ullrich from Internet Storm Center
The Pragmatic Guide to Network Security Management: The Process from Securosis
Insecure Configuration Management from the Open Web Application Security Project
Wireless Network Security Threats and Mitigation—A Survey by Mohammad Bajwa from
Open Journal of Business and Management
Error Handling, Auditing and Logging from The Open Web Application Security Project
Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops and Laptops
by Murugiah Souppaya and Karen Scarfone
Intrusion Detection using Security Onion Based on Kill Chain Approach by J. Beatrice Ssowmiya
and S. Prabhakaran from International Journal of Science and Research
9.3 Firewalls – an overview from Network Security
Securing the Home Energy Management Platform by Søren Aagaard Mikkelsen and Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen from Energy Management of Distributed Generation Systems……
Protecting Your System: Network (Internet) Security from Safeguarding Your Technology
Peer-to- Peer Enclaves for Improving Network Defense by David W. Archer and Adam Wick from Technology Innovation Management Review……
Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment by Murugiah P. Souppaya and
Karen A. Scarfone
Pen Testing from Hacking Wetware…
Singh, G., Goyal, S., & Agarwal, R. (2015). Intrusion Detection Using Network Monitoring Tools. IUP Journal Of Computer Sciences, 9(4), 46-58
Performance Analysis of Cloud Based Penetration Testing Tools by Aruna Pavate and Pranav
Nerurkar from International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology…
Warfield, D. (2012). Critical Infrastructures: IT Security and Threats from Private Sector
Ownership. Information Security Journal, 21(3), 127-136. doi:10.1080/19393555.2011.652289
Wilshusen, G. C., & Powner, D. A. (2009). CYBERSECURITY: Continued Efforts Are Needed to Protect Information Systems from Evolving Threats. GAO Reports, 1.…
Quantitative Metrics and Risk Assessment: The Three Tenets Model of Cybersecurity
by Jeff Hughes and George Cybenko from Technology Innovation Management Review
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