Describe the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.

PSY630 Psychopharmacology
February 14, 2021
SOCW6210 Discussion W5
February 14, 2021

Describe the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.

Describe the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.

Reduce cigarette smoking by adults

Choosing Your Topic: My topic is Reduce cigarette smoking by adults.
You need to and can select a target population of your choice. It can be a culture and or specific age group of adults

Review the list of priority areas for health promotion and disease prevention in Healthy People 2020 ( Next click on the 2020 Topics & Objectives tab and select a topic for your health promotion proposal. Consider a topic area with a focus that you believe is critical to your role area (i.e., Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Administrator, Nurse Informatics, and Nurse Educator). Consult with your faculty member and seek approval prior to starting your paper.
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Following approval of your selected topic, you will select a specific objective from Healthy People 2020. For instance, if your topic area was “Older Adults” you may choose the following objective in the “Older Adults” section (click on the objectives tab):

OA–6: Increase the proportion of older adults with reduced physical or cognitive function who engage in light, moderate, or vigorous leisure-time physical activities.
Based on this objective you would develop a more specific evidence based intervention such as providing a workshop on exercise for your target population. Or if your topic area was “Adolescent Health”, you may want to focus and develop and intervention on the following objective in the “Adolescent Health” section”

AH–1 Increase the proportion of adolescents who have had a wellness checkup in the past 12 months.
Gathering the Evidence

Besides the resources available in the topic areas of Healthy People 2020, visit South’s Online Library and conduct a review of literature looking for nursing research related to health promotion and disease prevention in your selected topic area. Also visit reputable internet sources such as the CDC, NINR, AHRQ.


Clearly describes the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.
Explain how the selected problem applies to advanced practice in the student’s role option.
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Critically analyze the current literature related to interventions that address the problem related to communities from nursing, the sciences, and humanities.
Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework that applies to the problem.
Design an intervention to address the problem in the selected population/setting using appropriate epidemiological, social, and environmental assessments.
Design an evaluation plan to measure efficacy of the proposed intervention.
Week 1 Project Task:




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