Describe the study population process of subject selection ratio of exposed and unexposed subjects and sample size

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March 9, 2023
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March 9, 2023

Describe the study population process of subject selection ratio of exposed and unexposed subjects and sample size

There are two articles I attached in the file you should read them . then I wrote 12 questions in below

each articles should be use to answer these 12 questions .

NOTE, each articles put in different file . I do not want you put them together in one file.

1. What was the purpose of this study?

2. What were the stated research questions and objectives of this study?

3. What were the variables of interest in this study?

4. What type of research design was conducted?

5. Describe the study population, process of subject selection, ratio of exposed and unexposed subjects, and sample size.

6. Could there have been bias in the subject selection or collection of information? Why or why not?

7. What procedures were done to minimize the influence of confounding variables prior to analysis?

8. What were the main results of this study?

9. How did the authors interpret the results?

10. What were the limitations in the interpretation of these results?

11. What were the authors’ main conclusions and recommendations?

12. To what population can the results of this study be generalized to?

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