Discuss what you learned from your experience and how it is or will be enhancing your professional role as a therapist or counselor.
October 21, 2021
Evaluate the eight managerial tasks and how they are used to help guide overall organizational strategy.
October 21, 2021

digestive system

It is a challenge to explore abdominal pathologies as there are so many. Some abdominal pathologies are life-threatening and others life-annoying. It seems everyone and their uncle are experts on abdominal upset and these can lead to serious misinformation. If you have one major takeaway from this class, it is to ensure you seek accurate, research-supported information. I cared for a young man many years ago, 21 years old. He was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Being young, he did not want to accept that he had a serious, but treatable chronic disease. He wanted to do things young people do and did not follow medical advice. He ended up being admitted to the ICU where they took him to surgery and removed all but 21 inches of his small bowel due to irreparable damage. This was life-altering for him. Bowel disorders can run the gamut from constipation, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Disease, ulcers, cancer, celiac-sprue, and a host more. In this general education course, we provide reputable sites for you to use. Examine what makes these sites reputable and save them as a favorite for future courses. Navigate to theInternational Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD)Under “GI Disorders” choose an area of the bowel or perhaps “Kids and Teens”. Choose a bowel area and then a specific pathology.Investigate a bowel pathology.Include the following aspects in the assignment:·  Summarize the pathology·  Include signs and symptoms, tests/diagnostics, treatments, and outcomes·  Explore the other tabs across the top of the IFFGD site and share what you found most interesting: Manage Your Health, Resources, News, and Research·  There is no word limit for this assignment but you must thoroughly address each bullet point.·  As always, proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling are required.

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