Digital Project THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN SOCIETY, English homework help

anthropology essay
February 25, 2021
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February 25, 2021

Digital Project THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN SOCIETY, English homework help


  1. As part of your final research project, you will create a website or digital storybook to visually showcase the highlights of your research project. Your rhetorical purpose for this part of the project is to inform a general college audience about your project and to raise awareness for your side of the argument. During the final exam period for this class (listed on the syllabus), you will bring in your laptop to display your webpage/digital storybook for a public showcase. You will also share the link with the professor for grading purposes. I recommend you also create a PowerPoint document with screenshots of your project in case of WiFi issues.
    Due Date: Sunday 8/20 by 11:30PM (please cut and paste the link onto the webpage assignment submission box in Blackboard Assignments by this date and time).Recommended Programs: and (free, easy-to-use sites for creating webpages). You can also use Microsoft Sway if you are interested in creating a digital storybook. Recommended programs are optional; you may use any web design program you wish.
    Material to include with webpage. This is the required material; you may add additional material to your site that documents and showcases your research.
    1. Title of your research paper and thesis statement.
    2. A short abstract of your research paper (i.e. summary of the project and your research methods and findings).
    3. Visuals and images that represent your topic (chart, graph, photo, image, etc.) used with visual rhetorical purpose (consider your audience and purpose).
    4. A short “lessons learned” paragraph that describes why you chose your topic and what you learned by completing this project (as a writer/researcher learning about the topic).
    5. Highlights or “fun facts” from your research that capture the essence of your project (be sure to cite your sources!)
    6. You should include your APA references page, and any links to resources or videos on your topic.

    NOTE: Please do not include any personal information, including your contact information or email, that you would not wish to have included in a public directory. Do not include the research paper on the website. You are not required to keep the website online past when final grades for the course are posted. Any student who does not want the webpage displayed publicly online can keep the display hidden from general public view and only share its contents with the class/professor on the showcase date. Please see me in advance of the due date if you need disability accommodations in completing this assignment or wish to create a private (non-public view) website.

  2. In addition to making web pages, a report is needed. The report is used for communication
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