disability in society

communication and mentoring
April 8, 2021
group discussion 350 450 words
April 8, 2021

disability in society

Directions: Provide a comprehensive response to each question. Your responses must be very detailed and provide specific information from the assigned readings to support your responses. Most of the questions were developed directly from the assigned textbook. The attachment must be a word document or pdf (google docs will not be accepted). All responses must be 12-point font, single-spaced, Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins. Additionally, instead of using direct quotes from the book, you must paraphrase (summarize in your own words) and then provide citation (e.g., Smart, 2012, p. ?). Your goal is to provide your opinion, and provide evidence to support your opinion. Fully describe the public stigma model and provide an example for each level. How might this model influence why people without disabilities may choose to deny or minimize the possibility of acquiring a disability? Why might people with psychiatric disabilities choose not to seek help or treatment? How is the in-group / out-group model related to stigma and is categorizing disabilities necessary? How might categorization (e.g., labels and diagnoses) depersonalize individuals with disabilities, while also increasing prejudice and discrimination? (Minimum 2 pages)

  • On page 20, Robinson compared the American Psychological Association (APA) as “corrupt referees”. What point is Robinson attempting to make and what is meant when he stated that: “Just like that, Asperger’s was gone”…“You can do things like that when you publish the rules”. How does the concept of normalcy relate to psychiatric diagnoses created / modified by the APA? Does abnormalcy always imply deficit, pathology, or inferiority? List and describe how the definition of normalcy is determined (hint: there are 5 factors). How might this definition relate to the public stigma model?
  • Compare and contrast the five models of disability (Chapter 2 of Smart text). Completely describe the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). How might the functions of models of disability (e.g., defining the location of the problem, determining causal attribution) influence the relationship between the models of disability and legislation that is passed?
  • Is the world designed for people without disabilities? Are mental health facilities designed to prevent recovery from mental illness? What are the best methods to facilitate recovery from psychiatric symptoms? Please note: You must explain each level of psychiatric rehabilitation to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of these concepts.
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