Discussion 8 Fiction Literature – GradSchoolPapers.com

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July 12, 2021
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July 12, 2021

Discussion 8 Fiction Literature – GradSchoolPapers.com

1) Post at least one substantive response, of at least 100 words, to each of the study questions in the threads listed here. A substantive response is a knowledgeable, thoughtful, creative contribution to the understanding of narrative theory and textual interpretation. It should demonstrate good reading comprehension of the assigned critical theory and work of fiction. It should also engage in dialog with previous comments. Therefore, before responding to the study questions read through any highlighted sections from prior student posts as well as any follow up posts from the instructor. If the study question has already been answered satisfactorily, students should address one of the instructor’s follow up questions instead. The objective is to keep the conversation moving and avoid repetitive answers. Ideally, each comment should add something new to the conversation. Responses should be supported with direct, specific references to the assigned texts. Quotation (with parenthetical page citation) is encouraged and will be useful prep for the interpretive essays.
(2) In addition to the primary posts on each question, you must also respond within one class day to instructor requests for clarification or elaboration, if asked by name to do so. In general, my feedback on discussion posts will be directed at all students, regardless of who made the original post. However, if I address you directly with a question or directive, I expect a timely response. Make sure to check back regularly for both general and individual feedback. Subscribing and turning on notifications for the discussion forums can help you keep track of responses to your posts.
(3) Further, you must also provide a secondary response of at least 50 words for each question addressing the post of another student. This secondary post can respectfully agree or disagree with previous comments as long as a clear rationale is provided; it can also supplement them with additional textual evidence.
The requirement to respond to my feedback and other students’ posts means that you will need to visit each thread at least twice. You will likely want to return to these threads at the end of the semester as well in order to prepare for the final exam. Pay close attention to my feedback on ALL posts because I may be making important corrections or clarifications as well as highlighting particularly strong answers. In the interests of keeping the discussion streamlined I am only going to respond to any particular issue the first time it arises rather than every time. Therefore, do not assume that ia post without an specific reply has no feedback; it may be that the relevant feedback was already given on a prior post. Within the threads, a selection of strong, convincing statements will be highlighted in blue; a selection of potentially problematic or controversial statements will be highlighted in red for further consideration.
Reading Material:
John Barth: “Lost in the Funhouse” Article
H. Porter Abbott: The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative (Ch.12 Narrative Worlds) Article

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