Discussion and response for Nutrition Class

Sacred Destination
February 27, 2021
Describe the three characteristics of leadership you value most. Discuss why you believe that these traits are so important and how you feel that are developed in an individual.
February 27, 2021

Discussion and response for Nutrition Class

Please respond to the following in complete sentences in at least 200 words. Cite any outside sources used.

1.It is estimated that there are over 20 million people who are part of the South Asian diaspora. What factors do you think account for this? Why is there so much movement away from the homeland and into foreign countries for this group? What opportunities and cultural practices may be influential to this movement?

2. Please respond to the following in at least 150 words. Cite any outside sources used.

I believe there are a couple main factors that play into the millions of people who are part of the South Asian diaspora. In fact, when I was living in Los Angeles going to school, one of my roommates was part of the South Asian diaspora. She had moved to American a month before I met her and was going to school to attain a better education than she could recieve in her homeland. She was the youngest child in her family, her older brother and sister were in other parts of California doing the same, and their parents back at their home. All siblings in her family were ordered to leave their parents to America, in search of a better life and to send money back to their families when they established a successful career. Moe, my roommate, had been away from her parents from the time she was 15 years old. This is an example of education playing a factor in movement away from the homeland and into foreign countries. They believe they will find better opportunties that they will not find in their homeland. There are also wars, hunger, and economic issues that play a role in the movement to foreign countries. It was always crazy for me to wrap my head around the idea of my roommate Moe being sent away from her family all by herself, to a country she had never been before, and to possibly never see her parents again. However, to the people part of the South Asian diaspora they see it has a way to bring honor and benefits to their family. In the case of Moe, she never really considered America her home and continued on with her traditional cultures and practices, even showing me some! But, even though she never accepted America as her home, she still loved trying new things and assimilating to the cultures.

Please respond to the following in at least 150 words and cite any sources used.

3.I think the biggest reasons for the South Asian diaspora are economics and opportunity. The promise of more money or being able to work in a variety of professions, lures them to a promise of a “better” or more of a “nontraditional” life. Women especially take advantage of the opportunities of education and jobs to better not only their lives but their new opportunities can have a huge financial effect on their families. They may be seen as inferior and don’t get to work or be educated past a certain age, but leaving their communities, will open more doors for them. The opportunity to “break out” from the traditional feminine role in their homes creates enough curiosity and ambition to seek the variety of outside opportunities, that are available to them once they leave home.

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