discussion board 518

case study 811
April 10, 2021
List three significant events that have happened in your life, assignment help
April 10, 2021

discussion board 518

Personality test really uncover insights to our personalities. When we get our results, its not shocking. However, it does allow us to reflect on our personalities and define what we are good at.

I encourage you to take as many personality surveys as you can throughout our career. They have helped me examine things in my personal/professional career. Some personality tests are DISC, Myers Briggs, and Caliper.

If you missed class or did not finish the survey, it is posted in Week 8 Assignment Section.

Discussion Question: List out the top 2 indicators from the Holland test. What were your results. Does it match up with your career choice. List out any other insights you have from the test.

Sample: My top two indicators were Social (Helpers) and Enterprising (Persuader). I was not too surprised. Having taken the DISC survey in the past, it uncovered I was strong in influence/support. This survey confirms several other surveys.

Some of the professions and characteristics are teaching/training/cooperate with others. Also, I like to work with others, help solve problems, volunteer, and serve others. For the Enterprising, make decisions, meet people and lead groups.

Link to Holland Survey:


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