discussion question on hashing and other encryptions

create an annotated bibliography of four sources for your research project
March 17, 2021
child development 10
March 17, 2021

discussion question on hashing and other encryptions

Primary Task Response:

Please provide a detailed response to the below to include specific details and examples.(300 words)

Hashing should not be confused with the previous forms of encryption that we have discussed(Caesar’s Cipher, Vigenere Cipher and Kerchoff’s principles). Although they share similarities, there are many differences. Please discuss both the similarities and differences between the previous encryption methods(Caesar’s Cipher, Vigenere Cipher and Kerchoff’s principles) we have discussed and hashing. In addition, what is a message digest and what would we use it for?

Peer Response(s): Read the responses from your peers and offer a constructive critique or additional information that adds substantively to the discussions. Be sure to acknowledge any outside sources you use.(2 peer responses 100 words each)

This is a discussion question in Cryptography course. Please write primary response in 300 words and 2 peer responses in 100 words each without any plagiarism. Please include the references/sources as well.

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