notes for herrick chapters 5 and 6 1
March 21, 2021
assignment 910
March 21, 2021

Discussion/Reply posts

Initial Post-Please write initial post

How do you feel the current sexual beliefs and behaviors in the United States compare to other countries? Explain your answer.

  • Post your response to the discussion board
  • Respond to two other students’ postings by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET

Please respond to both Peer Posts separately.

Sara’s post:
United States sexual beliefs compared to other countries

I believe the sexual beliefs and behaviors of those in the United States are greatly different than those in other countries. We still have some controversy over women’s rights to birth control and abortion here, but we are freer to act, feel, and behave the way that we choose without much consequence, at least from our governments. Other countries, i.e. China and Indonesia, base their sexual behavior greatly on their religion and have a set of rules in tact for how to behave sexually. In the United States we are a melting pot of race and religion, therefore people do not have one unified opinion or way of behaving sexually. On the other hand, countries like the Netherlands, Spain, and France seem to be even more permissive when it comes to sexual behavior. They seem to have more comprehensive sex education, legal prostitution, and nude public places (, 2017). I believe in the U.S. people are influenced by their socioeconomic status, age, and liberal or conservative attitudes (Crooks, R. L. & Baur, K. (2017). Our sexuality. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning) more than religion or pressure from leaders. The Unites States is also a country that now openly accepts homosexuality along with about 25 other countries and although that seems like a no brainer to us, in other countries people could be punished or worse for being homosexual. In conclusion, the U.S. may not be the freest thinking and behaving country in the world, but it is one of the leading openly sexual places. I also believe that as time moves forward so will the feelings and sexual behaviors and hopefully the country will also move forward with ways to combat sexual transmitted diseases as these things tend to go hand in hand if sexual education is not taught well enough.

Claudene’s Post:

Sexuality is the sexual habits and desires of a person. The question is posed, how the United States compares with other countries when it comes to sexual beliefs. There are different factors that come into play when you think about how people obtain their beliefs. When it comes to sexual beliefs most are acquired from family, religion, culture and governing rules. When we look at the influence of family we often times follow the lives of our parents, what they did we do. This is changing due to social media and how it oozes sexuality. Even though we still keep the sexual values of our families we are learning so much more than they knew. We have different religions that state not to have sex before marriage however, it depends on how close the person follows the edict. Also in some religions in the United States you are to only marry inside that religion. When looking at the United States our sexual beliefs are open and for the most part excepted by most. However, there are times when political issues might interfere with personal choices. Due to the fact that the United States is a free country and we have the power of free speech, you have those that will protest the inequality of how one is treated.

Some things are the same when you look at other countries and other things are quite different. What I mean by that is some religious beliefs even though they might differ from ours they are followed just as closely as our beliefs are in the United States. However in some countries even though same sex marriage is allowed in the United States just knowing a man loves a man could result in death. In other countries such as France, Germany, Greece, Brazil, Belgium, Australia prostitution is legal however in the United States it’s only legal in Nevada. In each country sexual beliefs may differ and some may be quite close to what we believe it really comes down to religion, culture family and the governing body.

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