Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System and Pain
January 20, 2021
Smith Week 1 Evidence Based
January 20, 2021

dq 2 response

Technology is an important part of ensuring success in implementing change projects. This is especially true in the case of implementing a postpartum hemorrhage bundle. Postpartum hemorrhage is considered a high-risk low-volume event which means it does not occur often, but when it does there is much at stake (Lutgendorf et al., 2017). Technology will be utilized to successfully implement the postpartum hemorrhage bundle. The main way we will use technology is during simulation training. Simulation trainings using the Noelle mannequin offer life-like scenarios in the department where patient care occurs. Using simulation allows staff to work as they would in real life but does not put patient safety at risk. It also allows for debriefing afterward and identifies gaps in the workflow (Lutgendorf et al., 2017). We can also use technology to help us track postpartum hemorrhage data. We are developing a spreadsheet that tracks the number of patients who experienced hemorrhage and need for transfusion. This allows us to validate the effectiveness of our postpartum hemorrhage bundle.


Lutgendorf, M. A., Spalding, C., Drake, E., Spence, D., Heaton, J. O., & Morocco, K. V. 

(2017). Multidisciplinary in situ simulation-based training as a postpartum 

hemorrhage quality improvement project. Military Medicine, 182(3/4)

e1762–e1766. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-16-00030

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