EC230/EEC2225 Rasmussen Mod 3 Something New About Jana Course Project

Personal Teaching Philosophy Reflection
March 26, 2021
music writing 3
March 26, 2021

EC230/EEC2225 Rasmussen Mod 3 Something New About Jana Course Project

Earlier in the Course Project, you were introduced to 4 year old Jana and the challenging behavior she is displaying. You learned that Jana’s mom works from home and that Jana has an older sister named Jolene, who is 7 years old

New Information

You recently learned three more important pieces of information that may have an impact on your handling of Jana’s challenging behaviors

Jana’s mom is a single-parent

Jana’s mom oftentimes doesn’t speak kindly to Jana.

Jolene was just diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome 6 months ago.

Write a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format with proper spelling and grammar, address the following

Does this new information change your opinion about why Jana might be displaying the challenging behavior? If so, what specifically has changed?

Would you adjust the developmental domains you identified last week to support Jana? If so, which domains should you choose or omit now that you know Jana’s sister has been diagnosed with Asperger’s? Explain, using details, why you would make these changes.

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